Scrub : (보통 비눗물과 솔로) 문질러 씻다, 문질러 청소하다, (예정했던 일을) 취소하다, (건조하고 덤불들이 있는) 관목 지대, 척박한 땅, (외과의의) 수술복, 문질러 씻기, 청소하기,(빡빡 문질러)광을내다, (기수가 말을 빨리 달리도록) 문질러 주다, 쓰담어 주다, 각질제거제
Scrub up : (의료 처치 전에) 손을 문질러 씻다, 깨끗히 씻다
Scrub out : (보통 비눗물과 솔로) ~의 안을 씻어 내다
to scrub, to rub something really hard in order to clean it with a scrubber, somehting abrasive suing soap or washing up liquid or somehting like this
a scrubbing brush
I spent an hour scrubbing the floor until it was shiny clean
I had to scrub the old frying pan until it looked new
to rub hard to clean
to scrub informally, to decide not to do something you'd plan
to cancel an event
the event was cancelled, the match was scrubbed because of torrential rain
this is quite informal
to scrub my plans for a holiday because I didn't have enough money
my flight was scrubbed because of the bad weather
to abort
to call off an event
scrub, as a noun, meaning an area of land
it's low quality land and it's very dry and there are little short trees or stubby trees or short trees and bushes groing on it a piece of wasteland, scrub
an area with stunted trees and shrubs
surgeons scrubbed up before he puts on his scrubs
hospital use, hospital clothing surgical scrubs
to scrub up, to clean to make yourself look nice
to scrub up, means to clean something
this old piece of furniture is dirty but it's quite useful, I think it' will scrub up quite well
I scrub up before I go out
a chimney will have a scrub
a scrubber, to scrub out
to scrubber, to remove impurities from a gas or from a vapor very often using water
to clean by scrubbing
to scour, a scourer as well
to eliminate
to scrub, to move your hand up and down a horse to go faster, something that a jockey might do
give it a scrub, a bit of elbow grease
to srcub something
you can also have a facial scrub, this is something that you put on your skin to get to scrub the old skin off, old dead skin off the surface
Formality : 5 for to scrub, a scrubber
Formality : 6.5 for to scrub an event , use informally only
Formality : 5 for an area of scrub
Formality : 4 for to scrub up
Formality : 5 for facial scrub
Formality : 3.5 - 4 For a dorctor or surgeon scrubs