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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

313. Mutilate - English Vocabulary - Word Families - Mutilate / Mutilated / Mutilation

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 10. 14.

Mutilate : (인체를 심하게)훼손하다, 불구로 만들다, 못 쓰게 만들다, 훼손하다, 파손하다, 난도질하다

Mutilated : 심하게 손상된, 심하게 훼손된

Mutilation : 불구, 훼손, 파괴



if a person is mutilated or if an animal is mutilated, their body has been damaged severely normally by somebody who attacked them physically

he found it very difficult to use his mutilated arm

to mutilate, to make defective, to spoil

the vandal mutilated the statue they knocked of its arms

the dead bodies had been mutilated beyond recognition

to inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on somebody

to maim

to hurt somebody with an injury that makes part of their body no longer work properly

to disfigure

to cut up

to damage

to injure

to disable

to mangle

to dismember

to cut to pieces

to distort



to inflict serious demage

you can use this more figuratively

mutilate an idea

mutilate a book

mutilate a film

the film has multilated the boo, they distroyed the idea that they've taken away from it all of beautiful characteristics

the screenplay had mutilated the original story

to mutilate something, to destroy soemthing beyond recognition

Keep your ticket until the end of your journey, do not mutilate your ticket, don't destroy it, don't rip or draw all over it



Formality : 5.5





