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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

252. Interdict - Formal Vocabulary - Interdict / Interdiction

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 29.

Interdict : 금지하다, 못하게 하다, 막다, 개입하다, 가로막다, 방해하다, 저지하다, (법의)금지명령

Interdiction : 금지, (특히 군대등 무력에 의한 수송·이동) 차단


to interdict, to stop someone from doing something

we interdicted the advance by bombing their supply lines, by bombing their lines of communication

to slow it down


interdiction, a prohibition 

to prohibit someone from doing something

to forbid

customs interdicted a large shipment of drug or something illegal, immoral or bad

air interdiction, they use the air force to slow down or to stop the enemy from doing what they were tyring to do

In many countries, in many religions, sex before marriage is something that is interdicted 

it is banned, it is forbidden


to intercept, to prevent, to head off, to interrupt, to get in the way

in military sense, to impede an enemy particularly to break their lines of communication on their supply lines

the Council placed an interdiction on the use of motorboat on the lake 

interdiction against the publication of this information



Formality : 6.5




