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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

213. Symposium vs Colloquium vs Seminar - Difference

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 20.

Symposium : 심포지엄, 학술 토론회 (특정 주제를 놓고 연구·토론하기 위한 전문가들의 모임)

It is like a conference

Poeple meet together and then each of peope give a speech and discuss something of interest

Professionals or intellectuals meet, it is effectively like a conference, convention, caucus

Formality : 6.5



Colloquium : 학회, 세미나 (심포지엄 보다 좀 더 아카데믹한 학회)

An academic meeting

It is very similar, it's colloquy where people meet together to discuss something formally

It is very similar to symposium, but symposium is more general life

In an academic scene in universities and learning

A colloquium is a meeting of academic people or professors and different students

Colloquium is a bit more academic field than symposium

Formality : 8



Seminar : (대학에서의)토론식 수업, 세미나, 심화수업, (토론/교육을 위한)토론회, 연구회

A posh word for an advanced class

To discuss that their research so if you are doing a doctorate, a PhD

Seminar is more like a class, advanced class

Nowaday it become a webina

More focus on education and someone giving a speech teaching or people about discussing things

Formality : 6.5






