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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

105. Bolt - Essential Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 2.


Bolt has many meaning - noun, verb, adverb



1) have a bolt on a door or window : 빗장

2) to bolt a door , locked and bolted : 빗장을 걸다, 잠그다

3) nuts and bolts :  너트와 볼트 (기계의 작동부)

4) understand the nuts and bolts of basic grammar in English : (사물의)기본, 요점

5) a bolt of lightning, thunderbolt : 번쩍하는 번개, 벼락

6) I bought the whole bolt of cloths : (핀에 감아 놓은)직물 한 필, 직물 한통

7) a bolt of fabric, a roll of fabric

8) a bolt crossbow : 석궁의 화살

9) to bolt to go really quickly, it is time to bolt : 급히 가다, 서둘러 가다

10) use for animal, rabbit bolted, to bolt, to run away : 갑자기 달아나다

11) to bolt your food, eat very quickly : (음식을)급히 먹다

12) as an adverb, to sit bolt upright , to sit bolt straight : 꼿꼿히 앉다


Formality : 5.5






