Korea's ratio of household debt to GDP is among the highest of major economies, despite the revision of the base year to 2020 from 2015, data showed Sunday. The figure for corporate debt to GDP came to the fifth-highest, down from the previous fourth-highest.
household debt to GDP 국내 총생산 대비 가계부채 비율
major economices 주요 경제국
base year 기준연도
corporate debt to GDP 국내 총생산 대비 법인 부채
According to the Bank of Korea and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Korea's household debt-to-GDP ratio came to 93.5 percent, down 6.9 percentage points from 100.4 percent, as a result of the base year change.
the Bank of Korea 한국은행
the Ministry of Economy and Finance 기획재정부
as a result of = following = in the aftermath of = in the wake of ~의 결과로, ~의 여파로
The corporate debt-to-GDP ratio dropped to 113.9 percent, down 8.4 percentage points from 122.3 percent. The downtick is attributed to the increase in GDP to 2,401 trillion ($1.7 trillion) won last year, up from 2,236 trillion won.
downtick 소폭 하락
uptick 약간의 증가, 소폭 증가
be attributed to = be attributable to = be ascribed to ~의 덕분으로 여겨지다, ~에 기인하다
attribute A to B a를 b의 탓으로 돌리다
However, despite the revision, Korea's household debt-to-GDP ratio came to 100.5 percent, still among the highest of the countries surveyed as of the fourth quarter last year, as measured by the International Institute of Finance.
revision = amendment = adjustment = modification 개정, 수정, 조정
as of = as from ~일자로, 현재로
International Institute of Finance 국제 금융 연구소
The figure for Switzerland was 126.3 percent, followed by Australia with 109.6 percent and Canada's 102.3 percent. The Bank for International Settlements will announce last year's debt ratio of each country. The monetary authorities will continue to curb the snowballing household debt, as regulated by macroprudential measures.
followed by 뒤이어, 잇달
the Bank for International settlement 국제 결제 은행
announce = inform = impart = notify = convey 전하다, 알리다, 공지하다
monetary authorities 통화당국
curb = rein in = keep in check = contain = suppress = repress = oppress = regulate = sanction 억제하다, 억누르다
snowballing 눈덩이처럼 불어나는
mashrooming (우후죽순처럼) 증가하는, 급격히 증가하는
macroprudential 거시 재정상 사항
prudential 신중한 고려, 신중을 요하는 일, 신중하게 다뤄야할 행정(재정)상 사항, 신중한, 세심한, 분별있는
"Korea's household debt levels are still elevated compared to its advanced peers," an observer said. "The financial stability authorities will push ahead with measures that bolster fiscal consolidation irrespective of the base year change."
household debt level 가계부채 수준
elevated (주변이나 지면보다) 높은, 고가의, 고상한, (지위가)높은
financial stability authorities 금융안정 당국
fiscal consolidation 재정적 정책
fiscal = monetary = financial = pecuniary 금융의, 재정의, 금전상의
push ahead with = propel ~을 추진하다
bolster = solidify = strengthen = reinforce = enhance = ramp up = amp up = beef up = consolidate = cement = encourage = boost = firm up = buttress = uplift = buoy up = inspire = shore up = back up = prop up 강화하다, 굳건히하다, 지지하다
irrespective of = regardless of ~와 상관없이, ~에 관계없이
The measures are likely to maximize the use of policy tools to have corporate debt under control, mindful of potential ramifications in the debt-ridden project financing markets. "A significant portion of liquidity available was mobilized to meet the need of project financing businesses. It will be the job of the financial authorities to tighten lending rules and fortify the financial soundness of at-risk market players."
policy tool 정책 수단
have under control ~을 통제하다
mindful of = concious of ~을 유념하는, ~을 의식하는, ~을 자각하는
ramification = complication = implication = result = impact = fallout = aftermath = aftereffect = squela = repercussion = consequence = byproduct 영향, 결과, 여파, 문제
debt-ridden 빚에 허덕이는, 적자에 허덕이는
liquidity 유동성, 환금성
lending rule 대출 치짐, 대출 규정
financial soundness 재정건정성, 재무 건전성
at-risk 위험한 환경에 있는
at risk ~의 위험이 있는, 위험에 처한
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