Eerie : 괴상한, 으스스한
Eerily : 무시무시하게, 으스스하게, 불가사의하게
Eeriness : 으으스함, 괴상함, 쎄함, 무시무시함
if something is eerie, it sends shivers up your spine
it's frightening
it's strange and frighening
it makes you nervous
they were eerie sounds coming from the haunted wood
this haunted house is really eerie
the owl hooted eerily in the darkness
it's uncanny, flightening, strange
that is a bit ghostly
what an eerie situation
there was an eerie quiet to everywhere
the eerie howl of a wolf
it gave me this eerie feeling of deja vu
the eerie sound is sinister
there was an eerie color or an eerie haze to the fog
I could hear this eerie voices from behind me
something that inspires fear you
it's shadowy
it's mysterious
it's spooky
eerie sounds in the graveyard at night
eerie feeling, some sort of weird strange supernatural feelings
eerie atmosphere
eerie calm before the storm
an eerie echo, I could hear the eerie echo of voices
eerie noises
spooky, bizarre, eccentric, curious, strange, outlandish, really peculiar
uncanny, fightening, ghostly, scary, sinister, unearthly, supernatural, creepy, eldritch
you can't explain it and you feel it's got some supernatural cause behind it
the wind whistle eerily in the woods
the eeriness of this place makes me believe that it is haunted
the eeriness of this place is are quite astounding
Formality : 6