Excursion : (보통 단체로 짧게 하는) 여행, (잠깐 다른 일에 손을 대는) 외도, 색다른 시도, 일탈
Excursionary : 일탈적인, 탐험하는, 답사하는, 짧은 여행하는, 유람의
Excursion Fare : 특별할인 요금 (어느 특정구간에만 적용되는 요금으로 통상요금보다 약간 낮은 요금으로 항공권을 구입할 수 있으나, 여러 가지 제약도 있다(유효기간최장.최단, 예약변경 유·무 등)
an excursion is a brief trip or a short trip
normally a pleasure trip made by a group of people
my family and I went for an excursion to Chester last weekend
an exhibition, an expedition, an outing, a trip, a jaunt
an excursion is where you go out and you make a trip for pleasure normally it's with a group of people
you're on a package holiday or on a holiday of group of people or on a cruise and the cruise ship arrives in Stavanger in Norway and then you have various different excursions which the cruise company offer
different trips where you can go and do different things, that is the idea of an excursion
it's normally a brief pleasure trip
it's to trip somewhere normally for a short period of time
it's a trip to an interesting place that's been arranged or recommended by a holiday company or an some sort of organization
if you go to Madrid then maybe an excursion to Toledo whould be a very interesting excursion for the day
there are various excursions, they are trips to places that are near but near ish
it's like a trip, a deviation, some sort of digression
I was driving home and I really wanted a drink so I took a little excursion to a pub that I like and had drink and then continued on my journey
so, it's like going off the way that you normally go
it's a deviation from what you normally do
you could have an excursion fare, maybe for the train or for a bus
it's less expensive than the regular fare but it has certain special sonditions
it's a round trip or you've got to pay in advance or maybe you're only allowed to leave and come back on certain days
an excursion into, so this means that you attempt something different
you try to understand something that you've not done before
he likes languages and he's been studying English for many years, but over the past couple of months he's been taking an excurtion into other language
normally the music that he produce is hip-hop but he has recentlyl had an excursion in to hard rock
doing something new
doing attempting something new that you haven't experience before
you are going off your normal route into a new way or into a new idea
it's a deviation from the normal course
you are moving away from your normal course and doing somehing different
you ar running out and runing away from the normal
Formality : 5