Flannel : (울과 코튼이 섞인 직물)플란넬, 목욕 수건, 때 (미는) 수건, (상대가 원하는 대답을 하지 않고)얼버부리면서 계속 말하다, (요점없는 말만하면서) 얼렁뚱땅 넘어가려하다, (원하는 것을 얻기위해 맘에도 없는 말을하며) 알랑거리다, 아첨하다
flannel, as an uncountable noun, it's a type of material
it originally flannel used to be made of wool
it used to be a type of coarse wool
but nowadays, it is made from normally a mixture of wool and cotton or some sort of synthetic fiber
he was wearing a pair of flannel trousers
he was wearing a flannel shirt
flannel is talking about the textile
flannel, soft type of fabric made from wool and made form cottoon
it's got a slightly raised surface
now, as a countable nown to me, a flannel, this is a washcloth
a flannel, it's a small washcloth, a cloth that you can use to wash yourself
you rub soap on it and you clean yourself with a flannel
a flannel is for the bathroom
it's something that you use to wash yourself with
a little towel that you use to wash yourself
I used a flannel to keep the patient's head cool
to flannel, as a verb, this is completely different meaning
stop flanneling
if somebody is flanneling, they are talking but they are not giving you the information that you want
they are trying to calm you down, they are trying to fob you off with half truths with plausible things that are not the reality
I asked him if my computer was ready yet, and he proceeded to flannel, he didn't say yes it was ready and he didn't say no it was not ready
he was flanneling about all sorts of different problems
he was talking flannel and this is really the idea of to flannel
to talk evasively
to try to not get to the point
to be evasive
to avoid saying what you don't want the people to know
when people are flanneling, it's normally pretty obvious
when they are talking flannel, they are trying to use a lot of words but to avoid answering the question
or to avoid telling the truth
to flannel, this is talking about trying to trick somebody but using lots of words
when people lies they tend to flannel, they don't just say yes or no
to avoid addressing the problem
to avoid talking about the subject
he went on flanneling but without actually saying anything useful
he apolozied about the situation and then went on flanneling for ages
flannel is really annoying
to flannel as a verb, you can also use to talk about somebody who is being flattering
she said I was the most handsome man she'd ever seen but I knew it was pure flannel, it was just rubbish
it was just trying to flatter me but that is because she wanted something from me
stop trying to flannel me
stop trying to manipulate me by saying untruths
Formality : 5 for as a textile (Using American, British and anywhere)
Formality : 5 for as a little tower (in British and Australian)
Formality : 4 for to flannel to talk evasively