long lost : 오랫동안 보지 못한, 오랫동안 소식을 듣지 못한, 오래 전에 연락이 끊긴, 오랫동안 존재를 몰랐던
long faced : 슬픈 얼굴의, 침울한 얼굴의
long standing : 오래된, 다년간에 걸친, 오랫동안 지속되어온
long suffering : (문제·다른 사람의 불쾌한 행동에 대해) 오래 견딘, 참을성이 있는, 오랫동안 참은
long lost, this talks about someothing that has been lost for a long time or you didn't know about it
I met up with a long lost cousin from Australia who I had I didn't even know existed two weeks ago
I think people are still searching for the long lost holy grail
it's something that has been lost for a long time or you didn't know about it
they discovered the long lost city of Shangri-La
long lost, disappeared for a long time
I hooke up again with a long lost friend, somebody I hadn't heard from for ages
you could have long faced
if somebody has got a long faced, they are depressed and sad
I went into the room and eveybody was long faced and they all had long faces, they were depressed and sad
after lsing the final, all of the supporters were rather long faced, they were rather depressed
long faced, unhappy and sad
you could have a long-standing situation
a long-standing friend
something that has been in place for a long time
we are a long-standing client of this company, we've been doing business with this for a long time
he is a long-standing friend of mine
for a long period of time
most of my students are long-standing students
a long standing problem
long standing relationship
long suffering, if somebody is long-suffering, they put up with lots of abuse
my poor long-suffering computer, it has to suffer me using it the whole time
the long-suffering workers of an insufferable boss
long suffering talks about long standing injustice
if you are long-suffering, there is no need to be long faced about it
Formality : 4 for long lost
Formality : 4 for long faced
Formality : 5 for long standing
Flromality : 5 for long suffering