Scrape : (무엇을 떼어 내기 위해) 긁다, 긁어내다, (~에) 긁히다, 긁힘, 긁힌 상처, 싸움, 다툼, (자초한)곤경
In a bit of a scrape : 곤란한 상황에 놓인, 궁지에 빠진
Scrape By (on something) : 근근이 살아가다
Scrape Through : 간신히 합격하다, 간신히 통과하다
Scrape Together : 긁어 모으다, ~을 어렵게 구하다[모으다]
Scrape the Bottom of the Barrel : (선택의 여지가 많지 않아서) 그냥 구할 수 있는 대로 이용해야 하다, (일반적으로는 받아들일 수 없지만 유일하게 가능한 방법이므로) 선택의 여지가 없이 마지막 수단으로서 이용하다
Scrape the Surface :껍질만 긁다 말다, 수박 겉핥기에 그치다 (빙산의 일각이다, 숨어 있는게 더 있다)
to scrape, to scrape the surface of something
to remove the top layer of something, particularly using a sharp edge
you actually have a tool a scraper which you can use it scrape paint off the wall
to scrape, you are using a sharp edge to take something that is stuck to a surface
I scraped the paint off with my fingernail
outside our house, there is a boot scraper, which you use to scrape the mud off your boots before you go into othe house
to scrape, to pull or to drag something sharp over a surface to remove dirt or other things
you could take a carrot, you cut off the top and the bottom and you can either peel it or you can scrape it by running the knife down it
Formality : 5
I scaped my arm against the wall
if you rub something by accident against a rough surface then you can damage
to scrape against the wall and there was this line this huge scrape down the side
to scrape, to damage the surface of something by bringing it in contact with something
Formality : 5
a scrape as a noun
I guess a scrape is one scraping movement and that would work
he was covered in scrapes and bruises
there was a scrape on his arm, an scraping injury
Formality : 5
I got into a scape outside the pub, a fight, a fisticuffs
there was a scrape in the playground, very often the scrap as well
Formality : 3
if you are in a bit of a scrape, you are in an wakward position circumstances
I am in a bit of a scrape because I've not got enough money to pay for this
I was in a bit of a scrape in the restaurant because I realized I hadn't brought any money with me
Formality : 3
to scrape by
to earn just enough money to live by
I managed to scrape by on my salary but no more
to scrape by is to earn just enough money
Formality : 4.5
to scrape through
you could scrape through your exame, past but only jsut
I think that maybe scraped by in the same way
I didn't get a good pass but I did scrape through
Formality : 4.5
to scrape together
I need to scrape moeny together
to collect to effectively, it's like you are scraping all the little bits
you've got a jar of peanut butter, and there's almomst none left but you could probably scrape together enough bits to make one small snadwitch
Formality : 4.5
to scrape the bottom of the barrel
when you are desperate and you take thing or you accept things that are generally not acceptable but it's the only thing available
the team has got so many players injured that they're scraping the bottom of the barrel
Formality : 4.5
to scrape the surface
you've only scraped the surface in this, you've only just looked at the very top bit and there's a lot more beneath this
you've discovered that people are stealing for the from the company but you've only scaped the surface, you've only the scrape the skin because they're a lot worse going on
Formality : 5