Nimbus : 비구름, 원광, 후광
Nimbed : 원광이 비치는, 후광이 있는
notice, the plural either nimbuses or nimbai
we use numbus in two different ways
firtsty, with the weather, this is talking about a gray rain cound
there's definitely a type of cloud called cumulonimbus which is high up in the sky
but a nimbus, a gray rain cloud, that's fairly technical and I don't think people normally use it
the other meaning of a numbus, it's like a halo, a circle of llight around somebody
an aura if you like
something that shines around this person
you can use this word, to say that there's something has a special meaning to it, it's like it's treated reverently
people talk about hime as if he had a nimbus
this subject is treated with atmosphere of romance. it's like it has a nimbus to it
I think maybe englightment and becoming enligihtend as the buddhists say this is when you become enlightened you have a nimbus around your head or the subject of englightment seems to carry its own nimbus
it's air
it's ambience
it's atmospherer
it's aura
it's halo
it's vibration
it's vibe
the top footballers are treated as if they had nimbuses or nimbai
they are treated as if they are gods
I think technically a nimbus is there is the light that surrounds
like a deity or a demigod on earth
if you se some of thsese old icons or religious paintings, you'll see like this gold light around their head, and they are a nimbus
I think a halo is an open ring of llight, whereas the nimbus is like a full solid disc of light or gold over their head
everyone threats him as if he had a nimbus
this subject is treated as though it came with a nimbus
he as surrounded by a nimbus of sunlight, this case it's like the sun comes up and shines directly on him
it's some sort of aura or glow
this chef is very famous and it seems like there is a nimbus over every dish that he cooks
you can use it to say that people treat something specially or they treat it romantically or they think it's just something that's incredible
it has an adjective, nimbed
this seems to be a nimbed subject, something that is treated with reverence and a thought of as a very romantic thing
in artistic circles, he is nimbed and treated as if he were a god
Formality : 6.5 - 7