Manslaughter : (고의적이 아닌/죽일 의도[계획]가 없었던) 살인, (의도 하지 않았지만 내 행동에 의한 부주의/무책임에 의한) 살인, 치정살인
Murder : (사전에 계획된)살인, 살해, 살인죄, 살인하다, 살해하다, 죽을 지경인 것(힘들거나 불쾌한 일을 묘사할 때 씀), (제대로 못해서) 망치다
Homiside : (의도적 or 의도적이지 않은) 살인, 과실치사, 정당살인
these are all talk about killing people and the most general word is homicide
homicide talks about the killing of a person, this -cide talks about killing
homicide is talking about one person killing another whether it is intentional whether it's unintentional whether it's premeditated or not
notice, you can have a justifiable homicide
if you are defending yourself from somebody who is trying to kill you and they die during that, that is defined as justifiable homicide
it's not a crime and it's not manslaughter
homiside refers to murder, manslaguther, justifiable homicide
homicide just says killing people
manslaughter, this is a bit more difficult to define but for me primarily this talks about intention
when you kill somebody but not intentionally, it wasn't premeditated, you didn't think right I'm going to kill this person and then you go and you take a weapon and you kill them, that is mansluaghter
manslaughter is killing a person when you didn't intend to it
manslaghter is also defined as when you are committing a crime and somebody is killed during that crime but you didn't go out to kill that person, that would be also be manslaughter
I think also they use this word mansluaghter as well, to talk about when you are grossly negligent or grossly irresponsible
you are so irresponsible that you know this could have killed somebody
you didn't go out to kill somebodoy on purpose
manslaughter says killing peoople either by accident or not with malice of forethought, it's not something premeditated
manslaughter, you don't go out and do it
manslaughter also is where you kill somebody in a moment of crime passionel.
manybe you are come home and you find your soon-to-be ex-wife in bed with soon-to-be ex-friend and you get really upset and you kill one of them, that is manslaughter
manslaguther talks about you didn't mean to do it, you didn't intend to do it or maybe you were not responsible for your actions
if you discovered this and then waited several days and thought about it and then went and killed one of them, that would be murder
murder is premeditated and you are thinking about doing it
a murder of crows
manslaughter, it's talking about the reason why, what lies behind it. manslughter killing but without the motivation to kill
whereas murder, it means, you have the motivation and the intention to kill
therefore murder is the most serious offense
manslaughter is less serious
and homicide is a gerneral term
Formality : 5 for murder
Formality : 5 for manslaughter
Formality : 5 for homicide