It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness : 어둠을 욕하는 것보다 촛불을 한 개 켜는 게 낫다 (어렵고 힘든 상황에서 그 상황을 불평하고 욕하기 보단 상황을 개선시기키 위해 작은 행동이라도 하나 하는것이 낫다는 의미)
this is a proverb, it means if things ar going wrong or difficult then it's better to do something no matter how small to improve the situation than to sit around complaining about it
this very often happens that when things go wrong or things aren't very good, people just start moaning about it instead of
trying to do things to imporive the situation
when things are seems hopeless, it's much better to do somehing good however small
it doesn't matter how small it is to make the situation better rather than to just moan about it
in bad times, it's worthwhile trying to do something good
i think it's a good adage and it's a good phrase
in this phrase, the darkness is talking about evil or a bad situation problems
and light is a metaphore for good
we've got these two metaphors, the light from the candle and the darkness
you can use this proverb in several ways with slight word changes
it's better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness
it's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness
it's better to light a little candle than to curse the darkness
Formality : 5.5 - 6