Overbearing : 고압적인, 남을 지배하려고 드는, 강압적인, 전횡적인, 압도적인, 우세적인, (영향력/중요성이)엄청난
if somebody is overbearing, they are always telling you what to do
somebody who is domineering
they are arrogant
they are dictatorial
I can't stand his overbearing attitude
he acts so overbearingly
this mostly is used to talk about someboy who is always telling you what to do
they are bossing everyone around
I am bossed around here
if somebody is overbearing, you're being disapproving, you are syaing they are imperious
somebody that is absolutelydeterminated to tell what everybody to do in a rather unpleasant way as well
autocratic, tyrannical, overbearing, despotic, unpleasant, officious, bossy
many people have to deal with an overbearing mother
the boss is so overbearing in the way he deals with his employees
unplelasant and forceful way
a bad manager is somebody who is overbearing with the people that he works with
domineering, dictoatorial way
increadibly bossy
rudely arrogant
domineering overbearing way of doing things
you could also use it to talk about an influence
something that is overwhelming in power or significance
it's predominant
I guess in the cinema today, the overbearing influence is American Cinema
it's the one that has the greatest influence
it's something that dominates completely although I think that's probably smartingly less usual
the flavor of pepper was overbearing in the soup, they just put too much pepper in it
what is the overbearing consideration in this matter
which factor is overbearing importance
overbearing, overwhelming, critical importance
keeping the costs down is the overbearing factor in this project
Formality : 6.5