Brittle : 잘 부서지는, 부서지기 쉬운, 쉽게 손상되는, (기분/정서)불안정한, 쉽게 화를 내는, 초조해하는, 귀에 거슬리는
the first major meaning of brittle is something that is easily broken
something that snaps easily
glass is brittle, you can't bend it
clay is brittle as well
where they take a piece of iron and they freeze it a munus 200 degrees centigrade and then they just snab it, because when it's very cold, it's brittle
we can also use it brittle, to talk about something that is easily disrupted
it's easily damaged
it was a very brittle friendship and I had to be very carefule what I did
if somebody has osteoporosis, this means that the person has brittle bones
it means that they break easily
soemthing that is breakable and fragile
support for the government is becoming increasing brittle, easily destroyed at the edge of breaking
likely to break
likely to snab
when subjected to pressure and then easily disrupted a brittle piece
there was a peace treaty but the peace treaty was pretty brittle becuase both sides were still very unhappy about the situation
a brittel situation, it's not permanent and it's unstable, it could change very easily
fragile, delicate, frail, crumbling
it's not strong, sturdy and resistant
we have a sweet called peanut brittle
If somebody appears to be decisive and confident and cheerful and positive but it's actually it's unstable, so the reality is it's brittle
his manner was rather it was very friendly but very brittle
a person is brittle , they are a bit nervous, they are bit unstable, they are easily upset and easily damaged
delicate and easily broken
a brittle character
the team confidence was very brittle after losing their first couple of matches
if you said somebody has a brittle disposition, they are very difficult to deal with they get angry very easily
if you describe somebody as brittle, you would say that this person is very cold and not friendly and not smiley
if you describe someone as brittle, thy are tense, they are nervoous and edgy
his voice was very brittle, I felt that he was in somewhat of a brittle mood, he is changing
he gave a brittle laugh so grating, raucous, loud but not melodious
a brittle sound
Formality : 6