Vermin : 해충, (농작물·가축 등에게)해를 입히는 야생 동물, 사회의 해충같은 인간들, 기생충같은 인간들
Verminous : 해충에 뒤덮인
vermin, either it's small type of insects or small animals that cuase harm and that they are annoying
rats and mice are considered vermin
they cause problems for human, they damage crops and they also maybe carry disease
lice or fleas could be considered as vermin
they are objectionable and they are difficult to control
vermin, particularly fleas, lice, rats, cockroaches
rats, fleas, mice, cockroaches, parasites, weasel, worm, bed bugs
vermin is much more stronger than worm
you can also use vermin to talk about animals that prey on other animals
in the past the fox used to be considered vermin, weasel and coyote as well
because they kiill the chickens
it's something that it's an animals that's preying on farm animals
if you raise pheasants for example then various wild animals are going to be considered vermin
they kill the farmers' animals or kill the things that you're trying to rear
vermin, somehting pretty nasty
they spread diseases and destroy crops
they kill animals
a varmint as well, this is very American word
now you can also use this metaphorically, to talk about a person
people like this are absolute vermin
they are horrible people
they are bad bad bad people
I don't want vermin like him coming into my house
vermin, undesirable pests, ones that cuase problem
humans are vermin to the natural world because we are destroying it
verminous, it gives the idea
to be infested with horrible things
I wouldn't sleep on that verminous mattress if I were you, you will be scratching for two weeks
this is a district rife with crime, it's particulary verminous area, here I've used it metaphorically
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