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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

418. Specious vs Spurious - Differences - Nuances - Specious / Spurious

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 11. 9.

Spurious : 거진된, 비논리적인, 관련없는, 위조된

Specious : 허울만 그럴듯한, 겉으로는 그럴듯 하지만 실제로는 그렇지 않은, 겉으로만 그럴듯한


these two are very close and they sound quite similar as well
but there is a subtle difference

something that is spurious 
something that is false, it's something that is irrelevant
it's not the real thing
whereas, something that is specious, is that looks true and it's attractivesly true, it appears to be true but in fact it is false



something that is spurious is something that is false, it's reason, judgement and a logic but it's based on bad logic, 
it's based on something that is been understood incorrectly
spurious promises, these are promises that they are not relevant and not true, you shouldn't believe them, because they are based on some sort of flaw
spurious, it's not the real thing.
something that's not required
something that's not relevant
I was looking for a particualr item in the box, and I found that item but there wer many other spurious items as well
it's clearly and obviously wrong 
it's false, it doesn't have genuine quality
he gave spurious excuses that weren't valid
why didn't you do your homework? my dog ate my homework. this is spurious, nobody is going to believe that
something that's spurious is something that is has been forged. it's been attributed in the wrong way
it's not genuine
it's not the real McCoy
stray, extraneous, not relevant, not wanted
I couldn't concentrate becuase I was having spurious thoughts unwanted thoughts

somebody that uses a spurious argument to explain something, the argument is not vaild, it's based on logic that is not good, it's not sound

if somebody believes their argument, the argument but it's false because they've understood the situation wrongly then it's spurious



whereas if something is specious, it seems to be true and it looks very nice but it's actually wrong
specious promises, these promises that sound are very appealing
specious seemingly genuine but in fact false
I was looking for a particualr item in the box, although one or two of these were specious they lookd  like what I wanted but they weren't
he gave specious excuses, ones that were very believable but untrue
why didn't you do your homework? my mother is very ill at home. this is sounds much convincing but both could well be lies
if something is specious, it's deceptive but plausible argument
specious is more desigend to trick somebody
it's something that seems well reasoned and well worked out but it's not actually true
it's rather insincere
whereas, if they use a specious argument, they are using an arguement that is not true but looks attactively true and I think it probably implies that they are trying to trick you

if somebody is using a really attractive argument to try and trick you, which looks good then that's specious


Formality : 6.5 for spurious 
Formality : 6.5 - 7 for specious







