Immerse : (액체속에)담그다, (특정 활도에)몰두하다, 몰두하게 만들다
Immersion : (액체속에)담금, 잠금, 몰두, 몰입
to put something in liquid
during the photographic process, you need to take the paper and immerse it in the devoloping fluid
you need to immerse this in boiling water for 10 minutes
to cover completely in a liquid
to submerge
to plunge
to dip
to duck
to put it in completely
the electrodes of the battery should be completely immersed in the battery acid
to be completely covered by it
dipped, submerged, bathed
we use this figuratively
to involve yourself in an activity to become completely involved in something
when I start to read a book I become completely immersed in it, I was immersed in the story
you are deeply involved in this activity
you are absorbed
you are engrossed
you are completely engaged by it
He immersed himeself in his career
immersion in my opinion is one of the very best of learning a language
a scholar can be immersed in the subjec that they'are learning
engrossed, absorbed, completely engaged
Formallity : 6.5 - 7