Wicked : 못된, 사악한, 짓궂은, 장난기 있는, (비격식) 최고인, 엄청난, 굉장한
Wickedly : 사악하게, 짓궂게, 장난스럽게
Wickedness : 사악, 부정, 악의, 짓궂음
something that is morally wrong
it's bad
it's immoral
it's evil
the director was a wicked man
he was the embodiment of wickedness
a wicked and unscrupulous politician
it's deliberately harmful to people
sinful, immoral, morally wrong, evil, bad
extremely unpleasant, disagreeable, foul
a wicked smell
Formality : 5
notice) contrast with the word ' naughty', children are naughty they are not wicked
But, We can also use it word wiched to mean naughty
playfully malicious, mischievous, roguish, playful,
he's got a wicked sense of humor
he told some rather wicked jokes
Formality : 4.5
We can also use this as an adjectiv, meaning fantastic, brilliant, really strong, realy intense
awesome, excellent, incredible, cool
this use is very informal
that's a wiched coat you're wearing
I've got some tickets for the concert tomorrow night, wicked man!
a wicked goal
a wicked joke
he made a wicked curry
excellent, superb, superlative, first rate, first class, top, very best, absolutely best
Formality : 3